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Rohan is a character in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.


B'baba's Divination

Rohan, the Village Doctor
Rohan became a doctor to help people. In his time in the village, he would see people whenever they came, day or night.

He refused to charge poor patients, so he didn't live a particularly luxurious life, but the villagers loved him and would sometimes give him food.

Service as a War Medic
Young Rohan served as a war medic on the front lines. Upon seeing the soldiers he treated go back out to die, he started despising war in all its forms.

This aversion made him make up his mind, leave the military and practice as a village doctor.

Master of Go
Rohan, as a child, became known as a prodigy of the game Go. As an adult, he played at the master level. After leaving the army, he even played Go for a living on the road.

He's always on the lookout for a young bearer of Go potential he can pass his skills on to.


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