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Mariette is a character in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.


B'baba's Divination

Shooting for the University of Carles
Mariette has always been an avid reader. When she found out that if she went to the University of Carles, she could do all the archeological research she wanted, she knew she had to go.

Her parents refused, but Mariette kept chasing her dream on her own.

The Treasured Book
When Mariette was little, she got a birthday gift called "The Tale of the Curious Lens," which shaped her future. She was fascinated by any stories involving rune-lenses and became a voracious reader.

In fact, she still likes reading about lenses.

Secret Crush on Code L
Code L would visit the library in his rune-lens studies, and Mariette was quietly taken with him. She still has a crush on him, but has never been able to act on it.

Just the sight of him makes her heart flutter so hard, she can barely get out her regular words.


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