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Let it rip!

Beigoma is a minigame in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. In this minigame, players collect beigoma tops to battle against other beigoma-aficionados across the land.

Beigoma battles are fought in sets of three, with the battler who wins two or more sets winning the battle. The player can earn new beigoma either from certain enemy drops, or by beating certain story-related beigoma players. When the player starts playing beigoma, various other beigoma players will challenge them to duels. The player will meet up with famous beigoma players, learn different skills, and gain many different opportunities to prove to the world that they are the best beigoma player there is.



  • Spin is the health of the beigoma. The actual HP value can be obtained by taking: Spin/100 × 800.
  • Defense is the base defensive value of the beigoma. The actual defense value can be obtained by taking: Defense/100 × 22.
  • Magic provides a damage multiplier for the given element. The actual magic value can be obtained by taking: Magic/100 × 12.
  • Attack is the base offensive value of the beigoma. The actual attack value can be obtained by taking: Attack/100 × 34.
  • Weight uses are not currently known, likely impacts the movement of the beigoma, but is not used in damage calculations.


Damage can be calculated via the formula below:

Damage = Min(0, Attack × Multiplier - Defense) + Random value from 1 to 5, inclusive.

With Multiplier being 1 + 0.2 × Min(0, Attacking Beigoma Element Magic - Defending Beigoma Element Magic).

If the elements of the two beigomas are different, than the "Defending Beigoma Element Magic" is 0. This means that using a beigoma of a different element will give both player bonus damage. Using a beigoma of the same element will result in reduced damage for both players.

For example, take Gigas with an IconEarth.png Earth value of 5, and Plantvine with an IconEarth.png Earth value of 3.

The Gigas will deal: Min(0, 15 × (1 + 0.2 × Min(0, 5 - 3)) - 12) + (1 to 5) = 10 to 14 damage range.

The Plantvine will deal: Min(0, 9 × (1 + 0.2 × Min(0, 3 - 5)) - 17) + (1 to 5) = 1 to 5 damage range.


Beigoma clashes require the player to mash a button to overcome their opponent

Triggering a Clash

To trigger a clash, the player must use their boost at the same time as the opponent.

The formula for success rate is:

Clash Success Rate = 50 + 10 × (Min(Player Beigoma Rarity, Opponent Beigoma Rarity)-1)

This gives the following clash rates based on the lower Beigoma rarity:

  • ★☆☆☆: 50%
  • ★★☆☆: 60%
  • ★★★☆: 70%
  • ★★★★: 80%

Damage Formula

Clashes use a similar damage formula. However, instead of the magic based multiplier, a multiplier based on the hidden Clash Power stat is used. Clash Power is also used during the clash itself to determine how far to move the meter.

Damage = Attack × Clash Power - Defense + Random value from 1 to 5, inclusive.

Beigoma list

Name IconStatSpin.png Spin IconStatPD.png Defense IconStatMGC.png Magic IconStatWeight.png Weight IconStatPWR.png Attack Rarity
41.2 54.5 25 60 26.4 ★☆☆☆
35 36.3 25 30 28.2 ★☆☆☆
42.5 68.1 25 60 29.4 ★☆☆☆
37.5 45.4 25 30 35.2 ★☆☆☆
40 40.9 0 30 41.1 ★☆☆☆
56.2 54.5 33.3 40 52.9 ★★☆☆
43.7 63.6 16.6 60 32.3 ★☆☆☆
47.5 63.6 50 60 32.3 ★★☆☆
57.5 72.7 25 70 41.1 ★★☆☆
46.2 73 25 60 35 ★☆☆☆
52.5 50 33.3 40 55.8 ★★☆☆
35 50 25 50 29.4 ★☆☆☆
58.7 59 41.6 40 55.8 ★★☆☆
68.7 81.8 41.6 50 58.8 ★★★☆
65 68.1 58.3 50 50 ★★☆☆
56.2 54.5 41.6 40 50 ★★☆☆
50 59 50 60 38.2 ★★☆☆
32.5 40.9 41.6 50 32.3 ★☆☆☆
36.2 50 33.3 50 26.4 ★☆☆☆
53.7 68.1 33.3 50 52.9 ★★☆☆
67.5 68.1 41.6 70 47 ★★☆☆
61.2 68.1 41.6 70 47 ★★☆☆
66.2 77.2 41.6 70 44.1 ★★☆☆
55 63.6 41.6 40 55.8 ★★☆☆
51.2 54.5 50 60 41.1 ★★☆☆
65 86.3 50 70 50 ★★☆☆
62.5 72.7 50 70 44.1 ★★☆☆
36.2 45.4 50 50 32.3 ★☆☆☆
48.7 63.6 58.3 60 35.2 ★★☆☆
62.5 63.6 33.3 50 64.7 ★★★☆
72.5 81.8 58.3 80 47 ★★★☆
60 72.7 75 70 47 ★★★☆
66.2 72.7 58.3 60 55.8 ★★★☆
76.2 90.9 58.3 80 50 ★★★☆
53.7 45.4 50 40 61.7 ★★☆☆
56.2 68.1 33.3 40 58.8 ★★☆☆
63.7 77.2 50 70 41.1 ★★☆☆
47.5 54.5 0 60 35.2 ★★☆☆
50 68.1 58.3 60 41.1 ★★☆☆
57.5 50 0 40 64.7 ★★☆☆
58.7 63.6 75 70 44.1 ★★★☆
62.5 77.2 66.6 60 58.8 ★★★☆
70 81.8 50 80 47 ★★★☆
62.5 68.1 41.6 50 58.8 ★★★☆
56.2 72.7 66.6 70 47 ★★★☆
70 72.7 41.6 50 61.7 ★★★☆
75 95 0 85 76.4 ★★★★
72.5 77.2 41.6 75 58.8 ★★★★
81.2 100 50 90 56 ★★★★
71.2 68 75 80 47 ★★★★
78.7 90.9 66.6 75 64.7 ★★★★
52.5 45.4 33.3 40 55.8 ★★☆☆
60 77.2 50 70 41.1 ★★☆☆
53.7 72.7 41.6 50 50 ★★☆☆
53.7 63.6 66.6 60 41.1 ★★☆☆
32.5 31.8 16.6 30 35.2 ★☆☆☆
31.2 31.8 41.6 50 26.4 ★☆☆☆
38.7 50 16.6 60 29.4 ★☆☆☆
28.7 31.8 0 40 20.5 ★☆☆☆


  • During the Kickstarter, a premium tier was added titled, Name a Rival Beigoma Player. At this reward tier, the backer names one of the rival beigoma trainers that the player will face off against as they work towards their goal of becoming the greatest beigoma player Allraan has ever seen.
  • The initial Kickstarter pitch stated that in Allraan, shops in town sell beigoma starter kits, customization kits, and other various beigoma-related merchandise.