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Syd is a character in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.


B'baba's Divination

Art Is Explosive
Syd used to be a quiet young man. One night,he was inspired by a dream, and woke up thinking ""I must create art! Art is explosive!"" in his mind.

At first, the other citizens were bewildered at his eccentricity, but now they're all used to it.

Tension with Iris
Syd has worked on one design project with Iris. His bold aesthetic clashed with Iris' pragmatic sensibility, leading to a massive argument and a resentment that still smolders between them.

They are certain to get into some sort of tiff whenever they cross paths.

Ugly-Cute Tastes
Syd and Iris don't get along, but there is one thing they see eye to eye on: their tastes in cuteness, i.e. ugly-cute.

Syd especially likes the capybara statue Iris showed him, and wants to mass-produce and market it someday.


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