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Kingdom of Euchrisse
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Location
Euchrisse screenshot.png
Political Information
Gameplay Information

The Kingdom of Euchrisse is a region and nation that appears in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.


The Kingdom of Euchrisse traces its origins to King Dias Siarith, who is said to have established it in Solar Year 565. Dias, reportedly from a lineage of affluent merchants, is credited with the unification of several small nations, factions, and races, although some sources insinuate he merely bought his way through the throne through his mercantile means. Dias assumed the title of king and instituted the House of Lords with the aim of fostering stability within the nation.

The name "Euchrisse" was inspired by an ancient realm purportedly existing in the same region. It is renowned as the "land of water", due to the numerous tributaries of the Eagle River and its location along Allraan's southern coast. Since its foundation, Euchrisse has maintained a policy of amicable relations with neighboring states, opting for a modest standing army to prevent any perceived threats and engaging mercenaries as necessary. It holds a prominent position within the League of Nations as one of its three founding great powers, alongside Norristar and Kenan.

Over time, the influence of the House of Lords burgeoned, leading to a decline in the authority of the crown during the reign of the third monarch, King Alta Siarith. This shift in the political power base saw a notable rise in noble corruption. Upon the ascension of the fifth ruler, Queen Sasha Siarith, she took measures to consolidate royal authority by removing several influential lords with the support of Roy Land, her military chief.

In Solar Year 638, a catastrophic flood engulfed the capital city, IconMapOldTown.pngHishahn Old Town, causing extensive destruction. Following the devastation, King Yule Siarith chose to abandon the inundated city and initiated the rebuilding of IconMapHishahn.pngHishahn. This remarkable feat would be regarded as the Miracle of Hishahn in folklore and helped cement his legacy. Euma Siarith would succeed his father as the current king of Euchrisse following his passing.



Euchrisse contains 1 of the 227 chests required for the Treasure Hunter achievement/trophy.


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