Eggfoot Racing

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Eggfoot racing is a minigame in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and provides another source of entertainment in Allraan. Races are held in large towns, and lots of people gamble on the eggfoot they think will win.

Raising Eggfoots

Once the player acquires their IconMapHQ.pngHeadquarters and finds an Eggfoot Trainer, they will be able to raise and breed their own eggfoots, then send them out to race.

Obtaining Eggfoots

A player can obtain eggs either from battle with other eggfoots, or by buying them from Paquia icon 01.png Paquia. Eggs hatch after either 15 minutes or after completing a race. The player can also obtain new eggfoots by breeding together two eggfoots that have finished enough races to be fully fed. The three types of eggs are Regular Egg Regular Egg, Promising Egg Promising Egg, and Champion Egg Champion Egg. Each with increasing chances of hatching better eggfoots. There is also a First Egg First Egg that is given to the player by Paquia when they first recruit her.

Raising Eggfoots

After completing a race, the player will receive prizes and be able to feed their eggfoot. Feeding an eggfoot raises their stats based on which food you give them. But note; you can only feed an eggfoot so six times before raising their stats further becomes impossible, and can only race nine times before no longer being able to race.

Eggfoots can also be dressed up with a color, pattern, and accessory that can be won from races.

Racing Eggfoots

Once an eggfoot has hatched, the player will be able to enter them into different races and gain prizes. However, each eggfoot can only be raced nine times before no longer being able to compete.

Eggfoots Stats

Eggfoots have 4 stats. Power which determines an eggfoot's acceleration, Speed which determines an eggfoot's max speed, stamina which determines how long an eggfoot can run before needing to rest, and intelligence which determines how well an eggfoot can get past obstacles.

After every race, the player will be able to feed an eggfoot in order to increase its stats. Depending on castle rank, a player can feed their eggfoots either normal, quality, or premium feed. The player can also choose whether to put all the stat points from feed into one stat, or to split it evenly between all four stats.

Each individual stat on an eggfoot maxes out at 1000 points and their total maxes out at 3000 points. An eggfoot can also only be fed six times before no longer being able to be fed anything other that knowledge fruit and being able to be bred with another eggfoot.


The player can also feed their eggfoots one of 3 types of knowledge fruit; Fruit of Knowledge Fruit of Knowledge, Superior Fruit of Knowledge Superior Fruit of Knowledge, Supreme Fruit of Knowledge Supreme Fruit of Knowledge. Knowledge fruit will increase an eggfoots intelligence and teach it a skill. Skills range from one to tree stars and feeding an eggfoot a better fruit increases their chances of learning a higher rank skill.

Skill Effect
All ready Recover stamina when terrain changes.
Can't stop me Recover stamina when an item interferes with you.
Don't Leave Me Activate an interference item that reduces the top speed of all racers.
Gotta move Recover stamina faster over time based on position
Here I come Speed up instantly and temporarily increase max speed.
I'll catch up Speed up temporarily, more each time you're overtaken while out of stamina
I'm with you Use less stamina temporarily.
Keep away Use an interference item that reduces the top speed of opponents right behind you.
Not so fast Use an interference item that slows down a single opponent right in front of you.
On a roll Speed up temporarily when overtaking.
Once more Speed up temporarily recovering stamina
Second Wind Recover stamina.
Step on it Speed up temporarily
Wait a sec Uses an interference item that reduces the top speed of opponents right in front of you.
Wait for me Speed up instantly and temporarily increase max speed when overtaken.


Eggfoots also have a randomly assigned personality. An eggfoots personality decides one obsticle that an eggfoot will excel at, and one it will suffer at.

Personality Boosted Lowered
Calm Maze Food
Cautious Pit Ramp
Gutsy Vault Pit
Impatient Food Maze
Impulsive Ramp Maze
Timid Pit Vault


Each race has its own distance, as well as specific terrain and obstacles associated with it. The player will receive a prize for coming in 3rd place or better and will receive all prizes for lower levels.

Race Distance Racers Advised Stat Total Grade Terrain Obstacles Prizes
Trial: Grum Cup 600 4 500 1 None Vault
Trial: Paquia Cup 700 4 500 1 Sand None
Rookie 2: Grum Cup 600 5 600 2 Swamp None
Rookie 2: Paquia Cup 700 5 600 2 None Pit, Maze
Rookie 2: Alliance Cup 800 5 600 2 Swamp Food
Rookie 1: Grum Cup 600 5 750 3 Magma Food
Rookie 1: Paquia Cup 700 5 750 3 Sand None
Rookie 1: Alliance Cup 800 5 750 3 None Food, Ramp, Maze
Open 3: Grum Cup 600 6 900 4 Swamp, Magma None
Open 3: Alliance Cup 700 6 900 4 Swamp Food
Open 3: Big Egg Cup 800 6 900 4 None Vault, Ramp, Maze
Open 2: Grum Cup 600 6 1100 5 None Food, Pit, Maze
Open 2: Alliance Cup 800 6 1100 5 Sand Maze
Open 2: Big Egg Cup 1000 6 1100 5 Magma Vault, Ramp
Open 1: Grum Cup 800 6 1300 6 Sand Ramp
Open 1: Alliance Cup 1000 6 1300 6 Magma Pit, Maze
Open 1: Big Egg Cup 1000 6 1300 6 Sand, Magma Food, Ramp
Master 3: Grum Cup 800 6 1550 1 Swamp, Magma Food
Master 3: Paquia Cup 900 6 1550 1 Sand, Magma Maze
Master 3: Alliance Cup 1000 6 1550 1 None Vault, Food, Pit, Ramp, Maze
Master 3: Big Egg Cup 1100 6 1550 1 Magma Maze
Master 2: Grum Cup 800 6 1800 2 Swamp Ramp, Maze
Master 2: Paquia Cup 900 6 1800 2 None Food, Maze
Master 2: Alliance Cup 1000 6 1800 2 Sand, Swamp, Magma None
Master 2: Big Egg Cup 1000 6 1800 2 Swamp Vault
Master 1: Grum Cup 800 6 2000 3 Sand Pit
Master 1: Paquia Cup 1000 6 2000 3 Magma Food
Master 1: Alliance Cup 1000 6 2000 3 Sand Pit, Ramp
Master 1: Big Egg Cup 1100 6 2000 3 Swamp, Magma Food, Maze
Champion 2: Grum Cup 800 6 2200 4 Swamp Vault, Pit, Ramp
Champion 2: Paquia Cup 1000 6 2200 4 Sand Food, Pit, Maze
Champion 2: Big Egg Cup 1100 6 2200 4 None Pit, Ramp
Champion 2: Hero Cup 1200 6 2200 4 Sand, Swamp, Magma None
Champion 1: Grum Cup 1000 6 2450 5 Magma Food, Ramp
Champion 1: Paquia Cup 1200 2 2450 5 Swamp Vault, Food, Ramp
Champion 1: Big Egg Cup 1200 6 2450 5 Sand, Magma Maze
Champion 1: Hero Cup 1500 6 2450 5 Magma Food, Pit, Ramp
Legend: Grum Cup 700 6 3000 6 None Vault, Food, Pit, Ramp, Maze
Legend: Paquia Cup 1200 6 3000 6 Sand Vault, Food, Pit, Ramp, Maze
Legend: Alliance Cup 1700 6 3000 6 Magma Food, Pit, Ramp
Legend: Big Egg Cup 1100 6 3000 6 Sand, Magma Food, Pit
Legend: Hero Cup 1300 6 3000 6 Sand, Magma Vault, Pit