Solar Year

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The Solar Year is a calendar and how years are measured in the land of Allraan in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Solar Years are divided into 12 months. The year the events of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes are set in is currently unknown.


  • 320 - The realm of Kenan is said to have been founded around this year.
  • 300 years ago - The Oldest Realm is known to have existed around this time.
  • 447 - The Galdean Empire is founded by Alexei Galdea, borne out of the chaos following the fall of the Oldest Realm.
  • 520 - King Varsus ascends to the throne of Kenan and encourages diplomacy with other nations.
  • 526 - Emperor Zigu Galdea is suceeded as Emperor of Galdea by Raat Fretranthys, beginning the Fretranthys dynasty.
  • 527 - Frestia Fury founds the Monarchy of Norristar. Its history would be rife with warfare.
  • 530s - King Varsus establishes the dragonewt city of Villenia, located near the border between Kenan and Norristar as part of his diplomatic overtures.
  • 531 - An uprising erupts in the Galdean Empire's west after invading a small elf-kingdom, igniting the Kortland Rebellion. The rebellion persists for decades.
  • 545 - Kenan, under King Vilmoria, sparks the Kenani-Norristar War, claiming that Norristar had always belonged to Kenan. The war ended in defeat for Kenan, and Vilmoria is exiled with broken horns.
  • 562 - The Empire shifts its focus to the south, invading the Monarchy of Norristar. Galdean Lord Kiluerark clashs with Norristari King Estaruk, resulting in a truce and the Empire's withdrawal. In the aftermath, King Estaruk proceeds to advocate for a League of Nations.
  • 565 - Dias Siarith founds the Kingdom of Euchrisse, unifying various small nations, factions, and races under the name of an ancient realm held to have existed in the same lands.
  • 582 - The Second South Galdean War erupts between the Empire and a League of Nations comprising of Norristar, Kenan, and Euchrisse.
  • 590 - Territorial disputes reignite between Norristar and Kenan, leading to Kenan temporarily withdrawing from the League of Nations.
  • 619 - The Galdeans launch a third invasion, invading both Norristar and Euchrisse, gaining temporary control over Norristar and even advancing into Kenan. However, a food crisis caused by disaster in the Empire leads them to withdraw their forces.
  • 638 - Old Hishahn, the capital of Euchrisse, is destroyed by a terrible flood, leaving it nearly utterly drowned. Amid the devastation, King Yule Siarith abandons the old city and rebuilds Hishahn anew.
  • 20 years ago - A war over succession breaks out in Galdea between Balzac Fretranthys and his uncle. General Goldwyn would support Balzac's claim and prove instrumental in his victory.
  • 7 years ago - Sabine and Dalton last see each other and split apart at "the western front". Dalton is severely wounded during this time.


The Solar Year is divided into 12 consecutive months. These months are stated to be directly equivalent to their real-world counterparts[1]. Foremoon is the same as January, Frostmoon is equal to February, and so on.

  1. Foremoon
  2. Frostmoon
  3. Springtide
  4. Flormoon
  5. Sproutmoon
  6. Summertide
  7. Loremoon
  8. Leafmoon
  9. Autumntide
  10. Gastmoon
  11. Wintertide
  12. Endmoon


  1. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Official First Guide Book, page 57