Achievement Society

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Achievement Society
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Facility
Facility Information

The Achievement Society is a facility obtainable in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.


Run by Chron icon 01.png Chron, the Achievement Society allows the player to track a number of in-game accomplishments.

It tracks a various number of goals, such as the total of characters recruited or number of chests opened, useful when hunting for achievements.

Chron also monitors, for example, how many times a single character healed or partkae as a judge in Cooking Battles.

Furthermore, Chron will also build statues to honor the most valiant heroes: the one who killed the most enemies - Finisher Ranking, the one who healed more - Lifesaver Ranking, the one who most guest judged in a cookig battle - Sublime Palate Ranking- and the most prolific actor - Star Actor Ranking. Within the IconMapHQ.pngHeadquarters, these statue will be placed on the First Floor for the Finisher and Lifesaver Ranking leaders, whilst on the Third Floor for the Sublime Palate and Star Actor Ranking leaders.

A total of 8 Iron Ore Iron Ore, 6 Platinum Ore Platinum Ore, and 4.200 IconFunds.png are needed to fully establish this facility.