Faded Book, Chapter 8

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Gocteau Talk 1.png "And what of your precious Faded Book, Chapter 8? Surely you could use some strapping young adventurers to help rebuild it?"
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The Faded Book, Chapter 8 is an item available in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.



The Never-Ending Road to Dominion

■ Patrolling with the General. Weather: Clear. Me and General Kogen head to the town. Zabi said, "I'll join ya later..." so it's just the two of us. All kinds of people are greeting General Kogen. That's him for you!

Is there anybody who doesn't know him? Hey... What's going on? One of the townsfolk asked us for help! "Okay you got it! Kogen will get her done!" Not a moment's hesitation. That's our General! He doesn’t say no to a sudden request—he nods boldly. And everyone loves his friendly vibe! General Kogen is AWESOME!

By Yuthus.

■ Hunting with the General. Weather: Clear. We arrived at the mountain behind the town that asked us to do a job. "Hope we don't get trapped... Huee huee huee." Zabi is in his usual spirits. Then it happened! A fierce boar appeared... Our target! "Whoa?!" "Huee?!" Me and Zabi are shocked, but... "Huaaaarr!! General Kogen bravely confronts it. But... "Whoops!!" He falls over and ends up butting the boar with his own head. (Delete that sentence.—Zabi) He sends the boar flying with a single swing of his fist. "How about that, Yuthus my boy?" Facing a giant monster so fearlessly—how cool!" And so General Kogen was AWESOME today too!

By Yuthus.

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