Faded Book, Chapter 13

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Gocteau Talk 1.png "And what of your precious Faded Book, Chapter 13? Surely you could use some strapping young adventurers to help rebuild it?"
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The Faded Book, Chapter 13 is an item available in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.



The Love-Thief of Sarastin Duchy: Part 3

Arlba was astounded. Saria did not look at all delighted. Surely this marriage was wrong. Arlba whispered in Saria's ear, "I'll find a way to save you." "I will wait for you," Saria whispered back. "The key is in the Dragon's Cave. If anyone can steal it, it's you... Great Thief Arlba." Arlba was shocked that Saria knew his identity, but he resolved then and there to steal from a dragon's cave or anything if Saria so wished. The Dragon's Cave. It was a cave in the western deserts of Sarasdin. Rumored to be filled with treasures the dragon had hoarded, though nobody was fool enough to try and steal them from under a ferocious dragon's nose.

But Arlba had a plan. Into the cave he took with him a large flask of spirits. Avoiding the dragon's gaze, he silently doused treats for the dragon to eat. Then he hid and waited. The dragon found the food. As Arlba watched, the dragon ate the food, grew very drunk, and fell fast asleep. Now was his chance. While the dragon snored, he searched the cave high and low for the key that would set Saria free. There it was—dangling from the dragon's neck! Carefully, fearfully, he drew near and unfastened the golden key from its chain. Clink. The key was his. But that sound was enough to wake the dragon. With a deafening roar, the dragon turned upon the intruder, baring his great fangs to bite. Arlba stumbled back and seized a carpet at hand to shield himself. But lo: the carpet wafted up off the floor at his touch.

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