Faded Book, Chapter 18

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Gocteau Talk 1.png "And what of your precious Faded Book, Chapter 18? Surely you could use some strapping young adventurers to help rebuild it?"
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The Faded Book, Chapter 18 is an item available in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.



Famous Sites of Allraan: Part 4

<Twin Fountain Bridge> Located at the East Gate of Eltisweiss, this bridge has been destroyed multiple times during various wars. The current bridge is the third one. The glittering sun on the river at sunset is a sight not to be missed when visiting Eltisweiss. The bridge is also a popular date spot for couples to nurture their love.

<Scarlet Moon Department Store> Situated in the capital of Galdea, Scarlet Moon Department Store is a colossal shopping venue reputed to offer every product under the sun. Its distribution network, the Scarlet Moon Syndicate, has branches all over the world. Don't miss the chance to visit the main store in the Imperial capital.

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