Faded Book, Chapter 11

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Gocteau Talk 1.png "And what of your precious Faded Book, Chapter 11? Surely you could use some strapping young adventurers to help rebuild it?"
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The Faded Book, Chapter 11 is an item available in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.



The Love-Thief of Sarastin Duchy: Part 1

Once upon a time, in a land called Sarasdin, there lived a thief called Arlba. He was a master of his craft, people said that nothing was beyond his skills of theft. Stealing only from the wicked rich, he distributed his spoils among the poor, earning their admiration. Unamused in spite of this was Gireeno, the high chancellor. Gireeno had been fattening his coffers while the king lay ill. His subordinates also indulged in corruption and extorted money from the poor to lead lavish lifestyles. Arlba stole from these scoundrels relentlessly. Gireeno, driven to desperation, resolved to catch Arlba, but Arlba always eluded him. One night Arlba decided to take the treasures of Gireeno himself, and sneaked into the king's castle. Yet the guards of the castle were unusually vigilant, and finding the thief, they gave chase.

Fleeing upward, Arlba found himself atop a tower. There, he saw her. The princess. Locked in a room with iron bars was the king's only daughter, with long hair like spun gold and eyes like clear blue lakes. Arlba was smitten in an instant. "Who are you?" "I-I'm Arlba. A prince from a distant land. I got lost..." "Oh, is that so? I'm Saria, the princess of this land." Saria smiled sweetly. "Say, Arlba. Since you're a prince from afar, could you tell me about the world? I've never been outside this castle." So Arlba regaled her with tales of all the cities he knew. It was a moment of bliss. Then he heard the voices of his pursuers approach.

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