Faded Book, Chapter 4

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Gocteau Talk 1.png "And what of your precious Faded Book, Chapter 4? Surely you could use some strapping young adventurers to help rebuild it?"
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The Faded Book, Chapter 4 is an item available in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.



Treatises on Kenan

The realm of Kenan was founded around Solar Year 320. Legends tell of how the sun was stolen by a dragon, and King Seuro and his warriors waged battle on it for 70 days. While the dragon was defeated, King Seuro himself perished. It said that Warrior Vaanz, a close friend of Seuro, returned with Seuro's sword and founded the kingdom of Kenan. Kenan first appears in lorebooks around Solar Year 520, when King Varsus ascended to the throne. At that time, most dragonewts regarded other races as inferior and contemptible, but Varsus advised against this, encouraging diplomacy with other nations. Kenan subsequently saw internal conflict between those advocating peaceful coexistence with other nations and those demanding a proud isolation.

In Solar Year 562, Kenan declared war on the Norristari, claiming that their land was originally Kenani, and that they were defiling it. The war ended in defeat for Kenan, and Vilmoria was exiled with broken horns.

Vilmoria's successor, Shubatziar, decided to rejoin the League of Nations. Subsequently, thanks to stronger economic ties with other nations, the number of isolationists gradually diminished. However, the phrase "proud isolation" never fell out of use among dragonewts. In Solar Year 590, Keenan left the League of Nations, but was in conflict in Solar Year 619 due to the southward advance of the Galdean Empire.

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