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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has a number of difficulty options for players to tailor their playing experience with. Upon beginning a new game, players are asked if they wish to play on Normal Mode or not. If they select "no", they will be taken to a menu of difficulty options.

These toggles, including the overall Hard difficulty option, can be turned off at any point during the game but once turned off can not be reactivated. No achievements/trophies are locked behind these difficulty options and so do not be interacted with to collect all achievements.



Players can set the overall difficulty of the game to Normal or Hard. Hard mode enhances enemy AI and increases their in-battle stats. The enhanced enemy AI makes the enemy more ruthless, better able to identify and attack weakened player party members, and more willing to utilize their more powerful skills.

No Baqua Obtained

This toggle means that Baqua (ECH).png baqua, the in-game currency, will not be dropped by enemies. This means that the player will have to obtain money in the early-game solely from treasure chests and selling items. Later the player can participate in trading and selling appraised items to earn baqua.

No HP Recovery Item Use in Battle

Under this option, all recovery items will become unusable during battle. Although the text implies only HP recovery items are effected, MP recovery items are also blocked. This also applies to revival items.

Double MP/SP Consumption

Rune-lens activation will consume double MP/SP when this option is selected. For SP, this is doubled to a maximum of 5. Hero Combos are not affected by this toggle.

No Escape

There will be no escape from battles except through skills. This includes releasing enemies that the player's party is far more powerful than.


This setting causes the prices in shops to increase by 300%. Selling items sell for their normal 50% of the base price. This option does not apply to trading items.