Fishing Spot

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Reel 'em in

Fishing Spots are unique locations within Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. Located in the Great Forest, Quarry and Runebarrows of New Nevaeh, they can be accessed quickly after found, using Signposts.

In-game description

There are areas in the dungeons where fishing is possible. Fish that you catch can be used for cuisine and other items.

It goes without saying, but you'll need a fishing rod for this.


Great Forest

This location is accessible early in the game, after defeating the Hollow Plant. With Garoo in the party, he will be needed to break the giant rock. Heading east and traveling west in the underground location will lead the party to the fishing spot.


To access this Fishing Spot, an Ice Rune must be equipped. Using the signposts, access the Cavern area. Travel east and follow the platforms upward. Continue east, until a noticeable drop is present. Follow the platforms down to the lowest level and head west to use the Ice Rune to destroy the Elementum Pillar. Continuing west from here will access the Fishing Spot.

Rune Barrows

To access this Fishing Spot, a Lightning Rune must be equipped.
From the Grand Passage signpost, head east until a fork is encountered. Access the lower section and continue east until a Lightning Elementum Pillar is encountered. Destroy it and continue east to locate the Fishing Spot.